Pricecheck breaks three financial records in the same week

Pricecheck has achieved record-breaking revenue for the year, quarter and month after the company generated £151m in turnover for the 2023/24 financial period, achieving 15% growth compared to the previous year.

Sales for the final quarter reached £44m, which was 22% higher than the same period last year. The Sheffield-based wholesaler also recorded its biggest month ever in April with revenue of £17.2m – a figure that once represented the company’s annual turnover 16 years ago, when Mark Lythe and Debbie Harrison took the reins of the business from their parents.

The business’ core offering of delivered wholesale remains the biggest contributor to turnover but the launch of new supplier partnerships, an increase in digital sales and developments within its brand distribution division has helped the company grow for the 10th consecutive year.

Read more: Belgium subsidiary helps Pricecheck achieve 44% export growth

Debbie Harrison OBE, joint managing director added, “It’s been a very busy year and we’re delighted to have ended 2023/24 stronger than ever. Our team have embraced all new opportunities whilst not forgetting our core business and this is reflected in the results.

“To hit growth targets consistently for a decade is no easy task. But the Pricecheck team love a challenge! In the past 10 years, we’ve diversified from a delivered wholesaler across toiletries and household into a multi-category, multi-channel brand distributor. With a focus on improving efficiencies, innovation and people development – I’m excited to see what we can achieve in the year ahead!”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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