Exclusive: Dee Bee to relaunch rebate scheme with ‘industry leading’ discount

Andy Morrison of Dee Bee

Dee Bee Wholesale is to relaunch its loyalty rebate scheme, with an ‘industrleading 6% discount’ scheduled for release at the start of November for its symbol group retailers.

Speaking to Better Wholesaling at the company’s headquarters in Grimsby, trading director Andy Morrison (pictured) and managing director Nick Ramsden explained how the group is targeting premium quality retailers and revitalising the Today’s image, fascia, and brand. “We’ll be discounting up to 6% if certain caveats are met, which I believe is the highest in the industry. You’ll reach an extra percentage point on top of the 5% if you’re using our Epos system,” explained Ramsden.

Read more: UWS and Dee Bee sign up to TWC technology

Morrison went onto the discuss the Epos business in question, revealing the Ramsden Group has agreed to the development of a new version of the company’s Re-Scan Epos Solution: “This will be version four of our Epos system. We’ve not invested significantly in recent years and it will make the programme more cloud-based and allow retailers to use it remotely. We should be at the testing stage around the back end of next year and then releasing the following year, so around 18 months in total.”

“Operationally we’ve also just had a meeting to implement solar panels across the entire Grimsby and Hull operations,” added Ramsden. “This will allow the company to generate all of its electricity itself and we should have enough left over to sell back into the grid.”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via paul.hill@newtrade.co.uk and 07960935659.


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