JB Foods’ Wendy Potter, Sophie Marsland, Charlotte Thompson and Caroline McBean
Read all about the Caterforce Conference here and take a look at the gallery below.
Caterforce’s Nick Redford and KFF’s Stephen Clark enjoying the evening reception
Peter Dennis from Philip Dennis Foodservice and Caterforce’s Andrew Lord
Graham Jenkins, Karen Graham and John Diwell from Pioneer Foodservice
Leathams’ Jez Burns, Pilgrim Foodservice’s Paul Woodford, Aimia Foods’ David Robertson and Pilgrim’s Philip Parker
JB Foods’ Wendy Potter, Sophie Marsland, Charlotte Thompson and Caroline McBean
Philip Patterson, Karl Milligan and Ian Crowe from Lynas Foodservice, in Northern Ireland
D’arta’s Simon Costello (left) and Malcolm Reid, with Castell Howell Foods’ Kathryn Jenkins
Caterforce MD Nick Redford pictured at the buying group’s conference in 2017
Caterforce director Gary Mullineux focused on the group’s achievements since the previous conference
Hunt’s Foodservice’s operations director Thomas Hunt
Hunt’s Foodservice’s operations director Thomas Hunt, who was also a speaker at the conference during the day